Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Workout Plan for the Summer

 Work out plan
6:00am        wake up at 6, head to gym by 6:15 
8:00am    wake up around 8-9 am, walk dog    clean up and  go to school around 7:55-8:05    no class
9:00am    go to the gym around this time    have class from 8:30-9:30    eat breakfast or shake
10:00am        1 hour break,    eat breakfast or a shake   
11:00am    go home and eat brunch    class  10:45
12:00pm    sit around or see TV      
1:00pm        1 hour break,    eat lunch   
2:00pm    sometimes go food shopping      
3:00pm         after that go home    eat lunch
4:00pm    eat lunch    have a sneak when I get home   
6:00pm    eat Dinner around 6-7 
8:00pm    if I have homework, do it around this time 
11:00pm    go to bed around 11-12   

What i take in to help grow muscle
1. Take 3 times a day with a meals (capsules) ( helps my insides when i work out) all natural
    Essential Vitamin = 1
    Advanced Lipotropic = 1
    Mineral Electrolyte = 1
    Liver Amino = 3
2. Take before workouts (capsules)
    Hardcore L Glutamine = 4
    Enhanced GH formula = 4
3. Take after workout (scoops)
    Dark Matter = 2
    Glutamine- SR = 1
    Creatine Monohydrate = 1
4. Take 1 hour after the Dark Matter drink (scoops, shake)
    Met-Rx shake
    Glutamine- SR = 1
    Creatine Monohydrate = 1

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