Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Overeating is something that many people do whether it is something that occurs on accident or by someone who has a problem.  Compulsive overeating is characterized by eating uncontrollably which is followed by weight gain.  Compulsive eating is a way for people to deal with stressful situations, emotional times or any problems that they may deal with on a regular basis.  When people overeat the food is used as a way to block out the feelings and emotions that are causing stress and conflict.  Compulsive overeaters feel out of control and know that their eating is abnormal and know that it is a problem.  The significance of researching compulsive eating disorders is to come to a realization of where this problem begins and how it can be stopped along with how America has come to view food as much more than it should be which is one reason that obesity is a growing problem.  

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